Vistara Network is a Hardware Availability Layer for the decentralized web, democratizes access to decentralized hardware, and is designed from the ground up for the needs of developers.
Vistara introduces a novel concept of a decentralized hypervisor, enabling the creation of on-demand distributed networks of scale with programmable hardware resources such as CPU, GPU, RAM, Disk, and I/O devices. These networks aim to bridge the gap between decentralized applications and the physical hardware layer. We outline the vision, architecture, and unique functionalities of the Vistara Network that unlock web2-like use cases that were not possible before.
Vistara Hypercore for Sundara implements a KVM (Kernel Virtual Machine) hypervisor and provides the availability of hardware resources that are ready to be allocated. This allows clients to dynamically allocate GPU resources given the workload requirements, improving resource utilization. This enables miners with more opportunity to efficiently utilize all available hardware resources to avoid wasting idle resources. Users can request and access vGPUs on-demand, allowing them to scale their GPU-intensive applications efficiently.
For additional security, Vistara hypercore supports a seccomp filters that harden VM security. A seccomp filter is a way for a process to tell the kernel which system calls are authorized. As an example, if a process calls into a system call that’s unauthorized, the kernel will immediately kill the process.
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